It is becoming apparent through research and education that the idea humankind governs nature is a fallacy. The outcome imbalanced the ecosphere and threatens the future of all water bound life.
It is time for a new paradigm of collaboration between all of us as inhabitants of this planet, to reestablish our fundamental link with nature and to repair the damage we have wrecked on our shared home before it is too late. Today’s imbalance, has damaged the eco-sphere and threatens the future of all water bound life. We face the outcome of natural resource depletion. We will face it more and more if we do not act now.
Our species has been fragmented into competitive individuals by a system which has ignored the environment in the pursuit of profit. This is not sustainable in the complex system supporting life on earth. We are a part of this circle of life. We are part of water and water is a (huge) part of us. Water is set to be the fundamental crisis of the future unless we change our ideas about and our conversation with our natural world.
We can measure the fall out of Fukushima in a drop of rainwater at any planetary location and inside any life form. We are all participants in the same cycle. The water cycle. Water enables life in the soil, soil life feeds plant, plant life feeds animal life and the cycle continues.
We are connected with each other in these cycles of life and each one has an impact on these cycles.
Join in the Dance of Life. Take a position in the circle. We are the ones the world is waiting for.
Repeating the errors of the past is not an option.
From water and soil to food for the soul.
Join us and help the biosphere grow…

reCREaTE First


Wildlife Centre