BIOCrete, environmental office, has been closed. The property cowner claimed back what we had occupied in order to restaurate the building and apply errosion protection measures.
The owner visited us and saw the works we allready did. He agreed with our stay and further works against reimborsement of our costs if he claims back the property. We started to use the facility as environmental information hub in the region. We became a Greek Centre for local culture in the framework of the Mediterranean program for cultural cooperation. Our seminars gave a holistic introduction into history and presence of land use. Some impressions.
The owner claimed back the property and gave us a week to take our stuff, including some hundred potted plants.We left the house , meanwhile named “casa Petra” in honor of my first wife, like agreed.
What we never expected happened. Instead the high pressure on us to get out in 6 days there was no need at all for that, because nobody followed us to stay there. The property remained unwatched and not maintained. In well a week it was naked soil. Regretless vandalized, Protection for years to document soil preservation techniques, errosion protection plantations and soil fertility development, physically gone in a week. Some rosmary remained on bare soil
We will not stop our endevaours. We will resettle into the BIOCrete wildlife area. We will built a container home and start the long time announced rhythm and truth project financed with own sources. We will cover each project step in a photo/video documentation. We go back into the centre of the Feng Chui to boost the idea of regenerative agriculture and holistic land use integrating the needs of wild life. “Behind reality there is an idea” Plato
April 2018
The BIOCrete community is dedicated to the living systems on earth and the harmonization of human action with the needs of the environment.
It is an open community whos ideals are embedded in the idea of the cycle of life. Our actions center around the production of healthy food and enabling the increased biodiversity of our environment.
BIOCrete, environmental office is the physical platform of the projects. The office is in Casa Petra on a steep hillside at the South coast of Crete. It is equipped with limited housing facilities but ideal for meetings, seminars,education. And a full stuffed kitchen for Mediterranean Diet and other cooking. The care takers of this environmental office are the BIOCrete community. BIOCrete is the regional hub for regrarian agriculture.
Health food production and the increase of biodiversity is our outcome, protection of natural resources the content.
Some of our members have land, that we help to cultivate. There is much more work that could be accomplished, but the work and finance capacities are to much restricted to reach a sustainable economic size.
Producing health food and protecting natural resources is not economically competitive with today’s mass produced products based on profits which all too often ignore the effects and exploitation of natural resources.
The BIOCrete environmental office is a hub of public awareness and organic/regenerative agricultural education. Our meetings bring together like minded people. Where we can discuss, educate and share our plans for the future.
BIOCrete is open to everybody respecting our ideals and the implementation of these ideals.
Support or donations helps us to create a sustainable paradigm, educate and expand the BIOCrete philosophy.
We have created an business plan for bio investors that will produce about 20 tons of concentrated food for the soul per year.
Join us and get involved