reCREaTE is: A vision thriving to reality. It is an interpretation of the shifting global mind: Act locally, think globally. Towards the Commons.
reCREaTE is an energy and water self sufficient holistic healing center with own organic food supply located at the shore of the Libyan Sea
This vision grew to a set of tangible outcomes showing the path to the finish.
For more than a decade we produced food for the soul from degraded soils, educated international students in organic farming and sustainable land use techniques. We played an active role in nature conservation and the development of techniques to support soil life. We distribute our local products to the global community. The ideas materialized and its energies an added value for our costumers.
This tangible example of the harmonization between human activity and the requirements of the natural environment burned down in a catastrophic man made wild fire.
The second time we managed the burned down farm site to be a wild life Refugio, a centre to host the endangered species threatened by the loss of their burned natural habitats. The water harvesting areas provided sufficient water for the selfsufficient supply of a perennial pond/wetland system. It was a show case of forrest fire follow up landscape regeneration.
This second tangible examples of regeneration was destroyed in an orgy of wildfire beginning of August 2016 too. The overtime busted CO2 in soil- and plant life became released into the atmosphere again.
Following 30 years of focused action, nothing remained for the eyes. The subsurface biome is invisible but extremy resilient against Savanna fires on the soil surface. Black soils in a seemingly empty and lifeless environment. Except the vision. We proofed, that soil regeneration is possible. And we experienced, that local acting and global thinking alters the life style in a way, which is a desirable scope for the global mind. Both fires were man made and initialized by human egoisms, they harm the arsonists as well as the global life.
Our third approach will not allow fires. reCREaTE reinvents itself. It changes the ancient roots of the Western civilisation there where they grew from the beginning : In Crete. Join in. Support the project.
It is O U R wildlife that fosters O U R resilience. W E do it for U S.
W E are the commons. Share in.